
I love playing cards – poker cards, tarot cards and cards for board or tabletop games. Here is a selection of some of my creations.

▼ Narrative tarot cards for a tabletop gameCollage(2)
▼ Robot programme cards for a tabletop game. This also deck functions as a normal poker deck.
▼ Star Wars cards I made as a home-brew prop for Secret Cinema’s Empire Strikes Back.
▼ R&D
Shooting Folder-5364 copy
▼ Voodoo tarot deck, private commission.
Final photos
▼ Drama ‘point’ cards for a tabletop game. Printed on cardstock, hand finished in gold and silver ink.


4 thoughts on “Cards

  1. heresyofus says:

    Love it! Your work has been so inspirational over the years and these are just gorgeous. I love cards to and recently made my own for a ][nq28 collaborative event called The Chapel. I think they really add to the feel of a game and help twist the story.


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